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Changes to the FTP site

Before I forget for the millionth time, I just wanted to let you know
that I've made a few changes to the FTP site.  First of all, there is
now a mirror of Red Hat 5.2.  Second, all of the Red Hat updates
mirrors are working again.  A few months ago, I also added a mirror of
the ALSA (sound driver) FTP site.

Here's the full list of mirrors:

    * ALSA (ftp://alsa.jcu.cz/pub/)
    * Kernel (partial mirror of ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/)
    * Mozilla (partial mirror of ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/)
    * Red Hat:
      4.2 i386 updates (ftp://updates.redhat.com/4.2/i386/)
      5.1 updates (ftp://updates.redhat.com/5.1/)
      5.2 i386 (ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/redhat-5.2/i386/)
      5.2 alpha (ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/redhat-5.2/alpha/)
      5.2 sparc (ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/redhat-5.2/sparc/)
      5.2 SRPMS (ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/redhat-5.2/SRPMS/)
      5.2 updates (ftp://updates.redhat.com/5.2/)

All of these are available at




Other mirrors also on that server include the Linux Documentation
Project at


a Linux International mirror that *badly* needs to be updated (which
will hopefully happen in the next week or so) at


and a Jargon File mirror (which I hope will eventually become the
master site) at


Be sure to let me know if you have any problems with any of those.

BTW, the reason I'm only doing partial mirrors of some of those sites
is that the 4 gig or so I set aside for mirrors on the new server is
basically full.  If anybody would be interested in donating a few
bucks towards another drive, I should be able to get a 14 or 16 gig
drive for around $400.  (If anybody would care to just donate a drive,
I'll happily take that too.  ;)

steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
(217)698-1694             | Meetings the 4th Tuesday of every month
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.luci.org/ for more info

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