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again with the libraries..

now, correct me if i am wrong, but i thought that rpms contained
precompiled binaries, that that only a check of the rpm database for
dependencies would prevent a package from being installed.

i have menu-2.1.5-19mdk.i586.rpm ready to be installed, but it is coming
up with the failure:

[~] Yes, my master? >rpm -ivh menu-2.1.5-19mdk.i586.rpm 
error: failed dependencies:
        libbz2.so is needed by menu-2.1.5-19mdk
        libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 is needed by menu-2.1.5-19mdk

both these files are on my machine, and were installed via an rpm package.
they are located in /usr/lib/
that being said, i am not certain why rpm is finding these as failed
dependencies. i thought maybe that the installation was not looking in
/usr/lib/ for them, but after reading a bit, i don't think thats the case.

any ideas why rpm is not aware that these are installed?


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