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Re: Stupid X

Cloudmaster said:
> Umm, I'm running Xfree3.something, and I accidentally did something screwy
> with my X resources or something.  Now backspace is mapped to "delete" and
> as a result, I'm getting quite frustrated when I try to backspace.  Anyone
> remember off the top of thier heads where this kind of thing is fixed at?

It could be anywhere, but look for something suspicious in
~/.Xdefaults.  (Other names you might look for are ~/.Xresources or
~/.Xmodmap, although it's been a *long* time since I've seen a system
other than mine that used those files.  :)

steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
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Steven Pritchard          | http://www.luci.org/ for more info

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