Blizzard '99

View from my front door

January 1, 1999 10:30pm

snow more snow and even more snow

January 1, 1999 11:40pm -- Freezing rain beginning to pack down top of snow, compare Headlights on Jeep and drift under License Plate..


January 2, 1999 12:30am -- Sleet is coming down pretty quickly.. 20+mph winds.. Brr!


January 2, 1999 8:40am -- Snow again! Sidewalk was cleared, looks like we've gotten a couple more inches. You can't see my license plate anymore.

snow neighborhood snow step is gone!

January 2, 1999 10:00am -- Snow steady, bumper level has raised another 1/2 inch or so..

bye bye bumper

January 2, 1999 11:00am -- Snow Heavy, low visibility, bumper nearly hidden!

bumper 'bout gone

January 2, 1999 12:00pm -- Snow steady, drifts are to my knees

step is gone! step is gone!

January 2, 1999 1:00pm -- Snow flurries, 24" drifts, kids ran through my pretty snow :(

adios bumper! step is gone!

January 2, 1999 3:20pm -- No Snow, Sunshine.. Will update if condition changes..

sun! winter view

January 2, 1999 11:30pm -- Snowing flurries again.. Windy! Brr!

Night #2!

January 3, 1999 2:20pm -- Snowing Chicken Feathers, some ice. Local Kids build an igloo out of nearby snow pile.

Chicken Feathers! Ice! There are there kids in there, really!