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SUID Shell scripts?

The latest UGU post was covering the 10 causes of security breaches, or
similar.  It had things such as bad SUID apps, poor passwords, permissions,
etc. One of them was SUID shell scripts.

In the past, I tried running a 4755 bash script (owned by root, of course) as
a normal user and the scrip was executed as a non-root user.

That's not too bad since I was able to write a C program for the SUID
operations anyhow, but still, does Linux allow SUID scripts?


  --= Damacus =-- (damacus@bastion.cnsnet.net)
     ==* Co-Administrator @ CNSnet, Inc.*==
     ==* President of SITE @ SHS, 1998 *===
    ----= PGP key available on request =----

Like I always say, If you can't compile it, you don't deserve to run it.
				-Unixboy  <unixboy@imsa.edu> regarding 
				packages and the benefits of compiling.

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