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Re: AMD Geode Computer Update

Previously Tim McDonough (tim@mcdonough.net):

> Thought I'd pass along an update on my little AMD computer I showed at 
> the LUCI Newbie meeting. I've been successful at getting Ubuntu Linux 
> 6.06 LTS loaded and running.
> AMD Geode: <http://www.dataevolution.com/dectop%20info%202.htm>
> Learned about quite a few things along the way. I used Syslinux and 
> booted from a USB pen drive to do the install. Gnome and X-Windows are 
> way too slow for a 366 MHz machine but the GUI will run. I suppose it 
> might be okay if you are wanting just an email/web terminal.

It would probably be pretty decent if you dropped the gnome.  The
X-windowing system ran OK on my 486, as well as my nokia 770.
Neither one of which are fast machines.

> The biggest find was figuring out a way to strip out Gnome and all the 
> other default junk so I could get a stripped down system that just ran 
> a command line prompt. My search led me to a program called 
> "debfoster", which I assume is only for Debian based systems. It will 

Debfoster is used to delete programs that you don't need.  When you
install package foo-a and it depends on foo-b, both get installed.
If at a later time you unistall foo-a, foo-b may still be installed,
even though you no longer have a need for it (depending on what
method you used to get the packages intalled).  debfoster will remove
foo-b when it isn't needed.  If you use aptitutude to install your
programs, aptitude does this for you.

This looks like it would work well as a portable computer, that by using
Xvnc, I could use it as the 'fast machine', and use my Nokia 770 as
a portable display.  It seems to be priced cheap enough.


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