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Re: Job searching?

Kara's book?
What book is that?

--- Danny Sauer <sauer@cloudmaster.com> wrote:

> Derek wrote regarding 'Re: Job searching?' on Sat,
> Jan 28 at 11:22:
> > As for LPI cert, how many tests are there?  What
> are they like?
> > (ie: written or lab, how long do you have?)  How
> much do they cost?
> > What material is covered?  What books/training
> would you recommend?
> I didn't see the format mentioned in Bryan's fairly
> helpful post -
> they're multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank
> questions, and were
> computer-delivered at the Pearson/Vue center I
> tested through.  As far
> as what's covered, well, a little bit of everything.
>  The 200 exams
> include detail on most of the services you're apt to
> run, the 100
> exams cover basic system startup and general service
> admin.  It's been
> close to a decade since I set up a news server, and
> probably 8 years
> since I touched Sendmail, but they were both on the
> 200.  Visit
> www.lpi.org for all the details you probably need.
> I can't advise for or against a study source - I
> just looked over the
> requirements, hit Google to refresh my memory on a
> few that I haven't
> used for a while, and took the tests over 4 days of
> lunch breaks.
> Like Bryan's blog says, LPI links to several
> certified preparation
> programs.  I did read a review of some set of books
> being kinda out of
> date, but I don't remember which book that was, so
> all this comment's
> good for is a reminder to look for reviews of
> whatever training method
> you consider *before* putting down the money.
> > My goal for 2006 is to pick up a cert.  I am not
> sure
> > if it should be LPI, RHCE, or Novell's Linux cert.
> My impression from looking at ads recently (yes, I'm
> still looking):
> I've seen one site looking for SuSE certification
> (they would've taken
> LPI as a second choice), a few looking for generic
> certification, and
> a bunch looking specifically for RedHat skillz. 
> From that, I'd agree
> with the way I read Bryan's comment - the RHCE would
> be most likely to
> be specifically requested for employment since there
> are so many Red
> Hat shops.  Anywhere else, I'd think that something
> like the LPI cert
> would at least help to differentiate you from other
> candidates.
> Adequate training for the LPI exams should get you a
> broader range of
> knowledge than the RHCE-specific training would, and
> I'm inclined to
> believe that broad knowledge is a good thing.  So if
> you're looking
> for generally useful knowledge, I'd point you in the
> direction of LPI.
> Of course, you should buy Kara's book either way. ;)
> --Danny, largely just posting in case Bryan's site
> goes up in flames
> :)
> -
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