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Re: Job searching?

As for LPI cert, how many tests are there?  What are
they like?  (ie: written or lab, how long do you
have?)  How much do they cost?
What material is covered?  What books/training would
you recommend?
My goal for 2006 is to pick up a cert.  I am not sure
if it should be LPI, RHCE, or Novell's Linux cert.
Derek Agar

--- Danny Sauer <sauer@cloudmaster.com> wrote:

> I wrote regarding 'Re: Job searching?' on Wed, Dec
> 28 at 14:21:
> > I'll probably go do one of the Linux certs (likely
> LPI) sometime in
> > the next couple of months, just because that's one
> more keyword to
> > stick on the resue for the HR people, but I'l
> scowl the whole time.
> > ;)
> Ok, so today I passed the 4th exam for LPIC-2, so
> sometime in the next
> few days I'll officially be LPI level 2 certified. 
> Having actually
> taken the exams, I'm forced to recant my initial
> disdain for
> certifications.  Or at least for the LPI certs.  I'm
> fairly impressed
> with the breadth and difficulty level of the 201 and
> 202 exams.  Even
> in the case where the certs don't get me anything,
> the exams asking
> about the use of "modinfo" led me to find out that
> there is, in fact a
> modinfo command.  For darn near a decade I've
> wondered how in the heck
> people are supposed to find out what parameters a
> module takes.  Turns
> out, there's been a program just for that for a
> while.  And that was
> on the top of the 100-level exam topic list.  Sigh. 
> I've *never* seen
> that mentioned in any documentation.
> Anyway, I just wanted to note that I've changed my
> position on
> thinking that all certs are worthless (though I
> still have no respect
> for the MCSE exams), and to post a positive overall
> feeling regarding
> the LPI stuff.
> --Danny
> -
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