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Re: Apt for RPM question, blocking certain rpms

> For example, Erich could keep his custom RPMs in a local apt repository,
> and maintain his boxes with a single pin:
> Package: *
> Pin: release o=Museum
> Pin-Priority: 1001

I believe you meant "Pin-Priority: 991".
990 is the default pin for a package being installed.
Above 1000 means you allow those packages to be downgraded, I believe.
So, in your example, I believe that means you _allow_ the Museum packages to
be downgraded to meet the requirements of a package being installed. And I
don't think that's what's intended.

BTW, my exposure to preferences has been with Xandros, and it is to do
exactly that - prevent Xandros-specific packages from being upgraded to that
package from Debian.

> On Debian, dpkg holds are nice and quick compared to setting up pins,
> but if a good UI were ever written for pinning, that would probably be
> the best place to set these things.

Are there any decent starts at it yet? Name names. I wouldn't mind taking a 
look at 'em.



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