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Re: exporting mysql table into csv file

After thinking about this for a minute I realized that there are other
way's to do this.  If your not interested in recreating the table on a
mysql server you could just use a select statement (that's if you can
put the file local).  Just use the "into outfile" options it's very
similar to "load local infile".  I'd like to hear more details about the
problem if you wouldn't mind hitting the list with them.  Thanks

Bob T. Kat

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty." 
  - Douglas Adams -

-----Original Message-----
From: luci-discuss-owner@luci.org [mailto:luci-discuss-owner@luci.org]
On Behalf Of Charles Menzes
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: exporting mysql table into csv file

I've been struggling all afternoon with trying to get a table's contents

exported into a csv file using mysqldump. Can anyone give me proper
to do this? I keep trying various combinations of --fields-terminated-by

and --fields-escaped-by, but to no luck.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks -c

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