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Re: tomorrow's meeting

On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 11:08:12AM -0500, Erich Schroeder wrote:
> It would be interesting to talk about how "apt-able" 
> cdroms are made (like those available from:
> http://www-ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/apt.html

You know, if I knew, I'd be happy to tell you.  ;-)

Seriously, I haven't figured out that much about apt yet, but I'm
getting there.  I've been experimenting with apt-cache lately.  I can
show off a few tricks with it tonight.

> and I know that our SUSE users would be interested in hearing if there are
> apt repositories available/possible for them.

That would be interesting.  Mandrake too.  When I get the rest of the
RAID array up, I'll have to see about making apt repositories for that
sort of thing.

BTW, speaking of the RAID...

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md0             240394176 121175056 119219120  51% /home/silug/ftp/mirrors

That's with 6 of the 12 drives in a RAID5 array.  I've consolidated
pretty much everything I've been mirroring onto that, and until I
started adding new stuff, I was still at less than 50%.  :-)

One of the new things I added was a mirror of freshrpms.net.  I don't
have it added to the apt repository though yet.  Soon though.  Very

> I've got a new ATI card in my desktop and have the hardware acceleration
> working, but I wouldn't mind having a tour of the GATOS pages with a
> description of how the steps needed. I'm not sure I remember what I did. 

Which ATI card?

> It would probably be good to expand that to the Nvidia drivers.

Ick.  Just say no to binary drivers!  :-)


> Oh, and there is wireless. We have an access point in the room now, and 
> there is always the alpha AP project. 

Give me a little bit on that one...  I've been a bit distracted
lately, but I am still working on a full access point built from one
of those x86 Multias.  Once I get that all figured out, we can attack
the Alpha again.

> Let me know if you need anything special set up.

I can't imagine what we'd need beyond the usual (projector and some

steve@silug.org           | Southern Illinois Linux Users Group
(618)398-7360             | See web site for meeting details.
Steven Pritchard          | http://www.silug.org/

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