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Re: TFTP permissions

Thanks very much. Looks like I was looking under the wrong man page. A man 
xinetd.conf shows that umask is a valid option. 

Thanks again, -c

On 31 Jul 2002, Jeff Licquia wrote:

> On Wed, 2002-07-31 at 13:57, Charles Menzes wrote:
> > All,
> > A short while back, I wrote a perl script that automates sending and 
> > receiving configuration files for routers through TFTP. The majority of 
> > the questions I've received from people deal with how to set up their TFTP 
> > server correctly. So, I've taken some time to try and write up a brief 
> > HOWTO on the matter. 
> Cool.
> > In my trail and error with using the in.tftpd option flags, I see that I 
> > am able to specify a username that will act on behalf of the process for 
> > reading and writing files. Nonetheless, files written to the server have 
> > rw-rw-rw- permissions. I would have expected something more along the 
> > lines of 644. 
> That setting is likely reflective of the security of TFTP in general
> (not).
> > I've looked through the tftpd man page and glanced over rfc2347 and I dont 
> > see any way of changing the umask used when files are written. Is anyone 
> > aware of a method to accomplish this?
> You might be able to set inetd's umask for this purpose.  Put a "umask
> 022" in /etc/[rc.d/]init.d/inetd and see if that helps.
> If it doesn't, then it's likely that tftpd and/or inetd play with the
> umask directly.  In that case, you're probably not going to be able to
> change it without editing the source.
> -
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