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Re: Perl one liner requested
Robert Threet said:
> What if you had, hypothetically, a Majordomo config
> file that had a bunch of text (50k) that contained
> many lines too long to be correctly parsed by
> Majordomo (seems to be a 70 character limit on lines).
Odd, I've never heard of such a limit.
> Would you:
> A. Write a Perl script to read in the lines in and
> write them out so that the lines over 70 had the
> proper slash at the end of the line to make it useable
> by Majordomo?
$chars=69; # One less than 70, to allow for the backslash.
while (<>)
while (length($_)>$chars)
$space=rindex($_, " ", $chars);
$space=$chars if ($space<=0);
print $x, "\\\n";
print $_, "\n";
Now that's completely, utterly untested code. YMMV.
> or...
> B. Implement another well known (although unknown to
> me) solution to this rather common problem?
Check the Majordomo FAQ, but, like I said, I've never heard of such a
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