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Re: pine.deb?

Mark Blunier said:
> Rumor has it, that converting to mutt is difficult in that mutt and 
> pine have very dissimilar commands.

Mutt is meant to be very similar to elm.  The guy who wrote it was an
elm user (and worked on elm for a while), but got frustrated with the
lack of features.

Of course, then somebody else picked up where he left off and added
most of what he wanted in elm (the ME+ branch).

Anyway, I've started up mutt a few times, and it definitely was easy
enough to get around in, but I couldn't see where it gave me anything
that I cared about and didn't already have in elm ME+.

According to the author, one of the advantages of mutt is that every
key can be remapped to something else, so it shouldn't be difficult to
make mutt work just like pine.  It wouldn't surprise me if the exact
steps for doing that are in a FAQ somewhere.

steve@silug.org           | Linux Users of Central Illinois
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