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Re: Need Help

  I wonder if the problem might be that mentioned in the latest security
report from Caldera (October 21):


Note that for some reason I can't get to the alias name of the Caldera ftp
server (ftp://ftp.calderasystems.com/) from my netscape, but the "real"
name of the server (locutus2.calderasystems.com) works for me. Dunno if
other folks will find the same thing..nslookup doesn't have a problem.

When things like this happen to me (I use unix-type OS's mostly at work)
it is well worthwhile to notify the vendor of what happened. Caldera may
already have some suggestions on what to do and if not, they might want to
see copies of various log files to help armour their product.

Now, I see that the current activity report at CERT
(http://www.cert.org/current/current_activity.html) shows that there are a
number of current root-compromising attacks, many of which can be
automated. They have a list of "artifacts" left by the intruders
which you can search for to help you identify the method. Scary.

This is an important subject; one that I wish I knew more about. If
someone on this list can help Justin, let the list know also.


Erich Schroeder                    Phone: (217)785-0033
Curator, Information Technologies  FAX:   (217)785-2857
Illinois State Museum GIS Lab      Internet: erich@museum.state.il.us

On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Justin Rolando wrote:

> Hi
> This is to anyone who can help me. I got and installed Caldera 2.3 last week 
> and everything seemed to be going well. Imagin to my shoking surprise that 
> someone had gotten into my pc while i was online in an irc chat room and 
> added them selves as a root user.
> My problem is i work 4 - midnite or after on your regular meeting nite and i 
> would like to find some one who can come to my house and help me fix the 
> abviously big security problems i can't see. I am a very new user to linux 
> but an determined to lose windows and (Bill) if it kills me. If you have the 
> time and "patience" to help a nobody with little linux expirience please 
> respond to:
> j_rolando@hotmail.com
> and i will either send you my phone # or call you - whatever the case may 
> be.
> Any help would be greately appreciated.
> Justin (in Springfield)
> P.S.
> Hope spelling don't count against me lol
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