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Linux Demo Day - Scripts and Pics

First of all: All those wonderful pics I took at Demo Day at Best Buy
are at:


Nothing special - just a raw dump from the digital camera.

Second: It seems like every time we do an event, we conspire to set up
something to sign up for luci-announce on the spot, and it never gets
done.  (No finger pointing here - I've been assigned that task before,
and not done it.)  So, at the Demo Day, I decided to show off my
newbie Wonder Twin Tk::Perl Powers and write a script to do it.

After an hour (fifty minutes of which was spent reading various
Tk::whatever manpages), I came up with something that halfway works.
I've attached it, to ensure that it is forever available to us for
future events.  The only change I've made to it since the demo is to
add the long copyright notice in comments at the top.  Real Tk::Perl
hackers are welcome to clean it up or otherwise make it better.

For those who weren't there: it was a hugely successful event.  Tons
of people got a good look at Linux, many for the first time.  The Red
Hat IPO buzz and general good Linux press seems to have had an
effect.  More at the meeting.
