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Re: Stupid X

I see this in newsgroups all the time, but never bother to remeber how to
fix it.  I had to kill and restart X (actually KDE, but the end result's
the same), and for some reason teh keys are working just fine again.  It's
weird, because the keys were working alright, then I had to reboot to
install a new video card and move some other hardware around (I need a
hot-swappable video card / PCI slot).  I started into X, and the keys were
screwy, but after restarting X everything was fine again.  Perhaps it's
time to go to a differnt X server again.

Which leads me to my next question:  I recently exchanged my burnt up
Imagine 128e2 in for a brand new one (number nine has good warrante
suport).  But, prior to that, I was running an 8MB FireGL1000.  I got
tired of the not-quite-complete server for the fire GL, so I swapped it
for the Viper V330 out of my windows box.  The Viper's reasonably fast,
but it doesn't support high resolutions at reasonable color depths and
high refresh rates.  Since I've been dissapointed with all of XFree's X
servers (haven't tried the new I128 servers yet though), I'm considering
moving to a commercial server.  I'm looking at metrolink
(www.metrolink.com) and Xig (www.xig.com) right now, since they're the
only ones I've found...  It'd be great if I could get multihead support
with a combination of the cards I've got laying around (there's also a 2MB
9FX motion 771 here).  What I'm asking is if anyone has any experience
with any of these cards with comercial servers, or commercial servers
in general.  I haven't decided for sure which card I wanna settle on.
Maybe I'll try to find someone to trade cards with...

Anyway, thanks to all the people that helped with the keymapping thing.


On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Chuck & TsuiLi wrote:
> I saw this posted in a linux usenet newsgroup a while back. I used it to
> correct a similar problem in RedHat 4.1.........
> To correct the backspace key in XWindow, add the following line to the file
> ".xinitrc":
>                    xmodmap -e "keycode 22=Backspace"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cloudmaster <sauer@cloudmaster.ml.org>
> >
> >Umm, I'm running Xfree3.something, and I accidentally did something screwy
> >with my X resources or something.  Now backspace is mapped to "delete" and
> >as a result, I'm getting quite frustrated when I try to backspace.  Anyone
> >remember off the top of thier heads where this kind of thing is fixed at?

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